What is Dual Enrollment?
The Penn State New Kensington's Dual Enrollment (DE) Program offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college courses at a 50 percent tuition reduction. The program enables students to get a real jump on their college careers by earning college credits while still in high school. Students participating in these programs may choose from a variety of Penn State courses offered during the fall or spring semesters.
How will Dual Enrollment Benefit Students?
The program is designed to encourage a broader range of students to experience postsecondary education by allowing the student to concurrently enroll in postsecondary courses and to receive both secondary and postsecondary credit for the coursework at a reduced cost to the student. Dual Enrollment helps to introduce more students to the advantages of postsecondary education and helps students have a more successful transition into the culture and expectations that are present in postsecondary institutions.
Penn State New Kensington offers a 50 percent tuition reduction, for up to 2 courses per semester, to any student taking Penn State coursework as part of the Dual Enrollment program.
Academic Performance
High school seniors may enroll in up to 8 credits per semester, beginning in the summer prior to their senior year, and high school juniors with at least a 3.0 GPA may enroll in one 3- or 4-credit course either the fall or spring semester. Juniors wishing to take more than one course must obtain special permission from Penn State. Total credits taken may not exceed twenty-four.
Dual Enrollment Program Highlights
- You must be a high school junior or a senior to be eligible for this program.
- A 50 percent tuition reduction will be offered, for up to two courses per semester.
- To remain in the program, students must earn a grade of "C" or better in each course.
- Students who have graduated from high school may not participate in this program.
- Credits earned are valid at any Penn State location and may be transferred to another institution in the same way as any other Penn State credits.
How to Apply for the Dual Enrollment Program
Interested students should complete, print, and submit the following application materials:
- Review the list of approved dual enrollment courses for the semester in which you are interested.
- Submit the University's dual credit enrollment form, along with your high school transcript, to Penn State New Kensington's Office of Admissions and Student Aid at nkadmissions@psu.edu. (Please indicate the class(es) you want to take.)
- Ask your school counselor to email a copy of your high school transcript to nkadmissions@psu.edu or fax it to 724-334-6111. Students may also provide their completed forms to their school counselor to submit along with the transcript.
PACPSL Compliance Statement
Annually, over 600 high school students schedule college courses from a multitude of disciplines at Penn State campuses.
Per recent changes to the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (PACPSL), Penn State New Kensington will continue to provide courses for qualified dual enrolled students, fully compliant with the required background checking requirements listed below:
Faculty who teach classes in which dual enrolled students under the age of 18 are registered, as well as staff who provide professional or support services, such as advising, counseling, or tutoring and students who serve in peer roles such as advising, mentoring, or tutoring to these students, are required by State law to have the following three clearances: Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check (SP4-164), Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113) and Federal (FBI) Fingerprint Criminal Background Check (Criminal History Report). Effective January 1, 2016, all individuals (current employees and new hires) interacting with dual enrolled students under the age of 18 are required to have valid clearances in place.
In order to ensure compliance in all future semesters, Penn State New Kensington will identify sections of courses that typically enroll the most high school students and can confirm that faculty teaching these courses have completed the required background checks. This course list will be shared with current and future dual enrolled students through their guidance counselors and academic advisers and through print and web information. In addition, staff and students who provide services such as academic advising, tutoring and mentoring will be required to complete the three required background checks.
Questions regarding Penn State New Kensington compliance with PACPSL can be directed to the Office of Admissions and Student Aid at nkadmissions@psu.edu or 724-334-5466.